ACT Fall Test Prep
This series of four classes (+ practice test) provides students with an introduction to practical strategies a student can easily make use of on test day. The goal of this course is to maximize student scores with a minimum of long-term prep and repeat testing. Additionally, these classes will provide insight into the ACT format, but will also help students with broad skills valuable on all standardized tests.

More Than A Teacher provides locally-owned test prep programs designed to help students reach their potential on standardized college entrance exams. Students typically see an increase of close to 3 points on the ACT when they enroll in the full 6-session course, which we offer in the Spring.

Schedule for ACT Prep class leading to October 26th test date
Date | Time | Topic
Tuesday 8/13/24 | 2:45-4:45 pm | Introduction
Thursday 8/15/24 | 2:45-4:45 pm | English/Math
Monday 10/14/24 | 4:00-6:00 pm | Reading/Science
**Saturday 10/19/24 | 9:15am-12:45 pm | Practice Test
Sunday 10/20/24 | 4:00-6:00 pm | Conclusion

**For the practice test, Students will meet at the More Than a Teacher office at 6025 Royal Lane, Suite 219-1. All other classes take place at Parish (Midway Campus).
Parish Episcopal School - Midway Campus
8/13/2024 - 10/20/2024
Grades 11th - 12th
This session has openings