Speed Reading
Speed Reading
Are you ready to unlock the power of accelerated reading and elevate your academic performance? If so, Speed Reading is for you! This course is tailored to students enrolling in AP classes. This specialized program is designed to enhance your reading efficiency, stamina, and time management - essential components for success in AP coursework. We will cover the principles of speed reading, optimize your current reading strategies, and apply speed reading techniques to dense and complex AP texts. By the end of this course, students will not only have increased their reading speed but will also have developed valuable skills for information processing, critical thinking, and effective time management. Empower yourself with the ability to absorb information quickly and efficiently, setting the stage for academic success and a lifelong love of reading!
Instructor Rachael McNeely

Parish Episcopal School - Midway Campus
7/29/2024 - 8/2/2024 11:00 PM
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Grades 9th - Not in school
This session has openings