Anime Art Adventure
Anime Art Adventure
Grades 2-5
Is your child an Anime enthusiast? Join our engaging camp led by local drama instructor, Mr. Peck, who has been a dedicated doodler for years, sketching captivating ships and mecha from iconic series like Star Trek, Star Wars, and Doctor Who. However, Mr. Peck’s true passion lies in Anime, inspired by timeless shows such as Astro Boy, Speed Racer, Battle of the Planets, Voltron, Pokémon, and more !
In this exciting camp, children will bring their sketches to life on sketch pads while immersing themselves in classic anime clips spanning the decades—from the 60s to today. They'll embark on a creative journey, drawing beloved characters in new and imaginative adventures. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to craft their own compelling anime shows on paper, showcasing their unique storytelling abilities and pitching their creations as the next big anime sensation.
Jeff Peck, Local Drama Instructor
Week 6
Parish Episcopal School - Midway Campus
7/8/2024 - 7/12/2024 11:00 PM
12:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Grades 2nd - 5th
Registration is no longer available