Iron Chef- Lansing
Come test your cooking skills and learn some fresh, healthy recipes! Wednesday and Thursday we will meet at 4-H Acres and partake in a cooking competition along with another RYS group and youth attending the fair!

We work hard to make our programs equitable to all youth. To aid in this effort and the limitations of our database we ask that you please add your youth to the waitlist for this program. You will then be notified prior to the first day of program which programs(s) your youth is in.

If you have any questions please reach out to Athena Steinkraus, Rural Youth Services Assistant Coordinator,
Rural Youth Services (RYS)
Myers Park Pavilion A-7/22&23 (9:00AM to 1:00PM), meet at 4-H Acres- 7/24&25 (9:00am to 4:00pm)
Grades 5th - 8th
Registration is no longer available