Groton Counselor in Training Prep.
This counselor in training (CIT) prep is a camper enrolled in a specialized leadership program which is designed to enhance skills in program activities, communication, decision making, team building, and interdependency within a community.

The program aims to utilize this combination of skills to develop effective future leaders. A CIT should gain not only greater confidence and sense of accomplishment, but also a variety of skills and knowledge that will help them develop as competent leaders in all walks of life, not just a camp setting.

We are using this program to pick CITs candidates that will want to be part of Groton Summer Camp this year.

All CIT candidates must be 15 by July 7, 2024.
Rural Youth Services (RYS)
May 13, 20 June 3, 10, 17
Grades 9th - 10th
This session has openings
Registration will end on 5/12/2024 at 10:00 PM.