Refund Policy
CAMP CEDARBROOK TEXAS knows that even the best-laid plans may change. We will make every effort to work with you when your plans must change. However, cancellations result in a loss to CCT due to expenses we have paid on behalf of your camper such as room, board, and supplies. Also, cancellations often deprive other children the opportunity of coming to camp.

The CAMP CEDARBROOK refund policy is as follows:

The registration fee ($50) is NOT refundable, nor can it be transferred.
Cancellations made on June 1 and prior to the first day of a camp week are NOT refundable, except for:
a. Medical reasons -- must be accompanied by a doctor's statement,
b. Reasons other than medical ones if and only if the place is filled.
c. No refund can be made for cancellations on the first day of a camp week or in the event of a camper leaving any time during the camp week.