2024 CIT Application
Our Youth leadership programs provide an opportunity for young men to become tomorrow’s leaders. The CIT program is a 4 week Youth Leadership program for campers that are currently in or have completed 10th grade. The program is designed to help campers in the transition to counselor and to develop leadership skills which can be used in school or in the workforce. The CIT experience provides in-depth training in skill development, child development, group dynamics, conflict resolution and more. Each CIT lives in a cabin with up to 10 other CITs. The CITs are supervised and mentored by the CIT Director. There are plenty of opportunities for CITs to enjoy camp programs and special events. CIT’s typically interact with a large range of campers and staff during their stay.
24 CIT App
6/22/2024 - 8/16/2024
Grades 10th - 11th
Registration is no longer available