Dauphin Island Sea Lab Older Girl Trip
Stay in the DISL dorms and eat all meals in the cafeteria. Learn all about marine biology as you participate in field studies on Dauphin Island. Our itinerary will include Salt Marsh field class, Coastal Habitats kayak trip (girls only, limit of 24 participants), build an underwater rover and a trip on the research vessel. By participating you will earn the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey. Patches included.

**Please note: Participants MUST have a NOTARIZED liability release form to board research vessel.**

Council Cash may be used to pay for these travel opportunities. Cadettes- Ambassadors may register individually- without a parent/ troop. Parents are invited to participate in all travel opportunities.

Price includes lodging, admission to attractions/activities, and meals. You can choose to meet us at Dauphin Island Sea Lab OR for and additional $100 we can transport you from Camp Coleman in Trussville, AL. *There will be an option to choose to add on transportation as you register.
KPC- Kanawahala Program Center
10/11/2024 12:00 PM - 10/14/2024 2:00 PM
Grades 6th - 12th
Registration is no longer available
GSNCA Travel Options
Round trip transportation from Camp Coleman only.
+ $100.00 \ person