In My Camp Era Coleman Week 2
Resident camp provides a fun and safe environment for girls to develop confidence and foster independence. Girls will participate in classic camp activities like swimming, hiking, crafts and archery while earning badges and making friendships that will last a lifetime.

Girls will be grouped by ages.

Each week will have it's own theme. This session's theme is Girl Scouts go to SPACE. Girls are encouraged to bring bunk decorations and clothing/costume items to align with the theme.

The Horseback Riding specialty is available for this session, you can choose to add on horseback riding in the following pages.

The Explore Scuba specialty is available for this session, you can choose options on the following pages. Girls will try out scuba diving in the Camp Coleman pool with certified scuba professionals, learn to snorkel and come home with their own snorkel set to keep. (Scuba girl must be 10 years old or older at the time of camp.)

Campership applications are open Dec 15-March 1st.
Camp Coleman
6/9/2024 5:00 PM - 6/14/2024 3:00 PM
Ages 6 - 17
Registration is no longer available
Resident Camp Entrepreneur
Girl Entrepreneur discount for participating in the 2023-24 Cookie Sale. *Discount will be applied after the completion of the 2024 Girl Scout cookie sale in April.*