N-Sid-Sen Camp Together
Camp Together
Open to all ages and all configurations of families – singles, pairs, nuclear, extended.
August 4-10, 2024

Join families of every size and description from across the Pacific Northwest Conference and beyond. Gather and enjoy all that N-Sid-Sen has to offer. We’ll worship, play, visit and share a campfire together. Be prepared for silly songs and significant conversations. At Camp Together, we love playing music and there’s space for you to bring your instrument and join in – no matter your skill level.

Skiing, tubing, swimming, sunning and even floating the river are all options during these sessions. Bring your sunscreen and enjoy the water! Our days begin with morning watch at the outdoor chapel and “officially” close with evening campfires. However, porches, decks and rocking chairs may call your name. Many gather after campfire to sit and visit with other families.

Families participate in most activities together, however, there will be time for different age groups to gather, including adults.

Come on HOME to the lake!

TIERED RATES per Person:
Young Child (under age 3): no charge
Child (3-7 years):
Gratitude Rate: $460 / Direct Cost Rate: $410 / Subsidized Rate: $360
Youth (8-12 years):
Gratitude Rate: $525 / Direct Cost Rate: $475 / Subsidized Rate: $425
Adults and Teens:
Gratitude Rate: $550 / Direct Cost Rate: $500 / Subsidized Rate: $450
N-Sid-Sen Camp and Retreat Center
8/4/2024 4:00 PM - 8/10/2024 11:00 AM
See Tiered Rates per Person
Registration is no longer available
2024 Early Bird full week Discount
Register by April 15th to receive your discount!
$50.00 / per person