Dude Perfect FANtastic!
Do you love watching Dude Perfect videos and trying out their amazing trick shots? Do you want to learn some science, math, and engineering skills along the way? Then this class is for you! In this class, you will explore various Dude Perfect challenges, such as pulling cups filled with water across the floor on toilet paper, flipping a water bottle, or bouncing a ping pong ball into cups and various things. You will learn about the forces, motions, and probabilities involved in each challenge to improve your performance. You will also get to record your best attempts and share them with your classmates. This class is perfect for students who want to have fun, be creative, and learn something new!

Teacher: Zandra Celis
6/10/2024 - 6/14/2024
Grades 2nd - 6th
This session has openings
Registration will end on 6/10/2024.