One Step Further
One Step Further (OSF) is designed to give you experiences in both camper and auxiliary programs, with the goal of finding the best fit for your skills and comfort level. You are not expected to be counselor-ready coming into OSF. You are expected to be willing to have that positive go-for-it attitude, and to be coachable, allowing you to grow from feedback. Along with other staff, you will share responsibility for campers, and with guidance, take on the role of a counselor, ensure camper safety, and become a role model for the campers.

OSF provides an environment for its participants to “give back” to camp some of what camp has given to them. It enables the participants to identify and develop leadership skills, and gain confidence by putting these skills into practice.
7/6/2024 - 7/13/2024
Ages 19 - 20
Registration is no longer available