Volunteer Application 2024
At this time, we are only reviewing applicants who are males or medical professionals.

This application is for anyone interested in volunteering at the following camps:

1. Camp Carpe Diem- seizure disorders- May 25 - May 31, 2024
2. Camp Courage- craniofacial disorders- May 25 - May 31, 2024
3. Camp You be You- autism- June 8-14, 2024
4. Camp Krazy Legs- spina bifida- July 13-19, 2024
5. Camp No Limb-itations- amputations and limb deficiencies- July 13-19, 2024
6. Camp Crescent Moon- sickle cell disease- July 20-26, 2024

If you are interested in applying for Camp Braveheart (Congenital heart disease) or Camp Independence (solid organ transplant and kidney disease), please go to this link: Braveheart and Independence Volunteer Application
Volunteers- All Children's Camps
Dates vary by camp. Please see description for specific camp dates.
Ages 18 and up
Registration is no longer available