Climb Together #1
Living life as a family in our fast-paced, “plugged-in” culture is not always an easy task. External influences, busy work schedules, military deployments and the pace of 21st century life can distract parents from their relationships with their children. Sometimes we need dedicated time-away, in a refreshing, Christ-centered environment to reconnect with our kids. Spring Canyon’s Parent Youth Adventure is a 3-day wilderness experience, replete with outdoor activities, campfires, spectacular mountain vistas and events tailored to meet the needs of busy families who yearn to “Reconnect in the Rockies.” The theme of Climb Together: A Parent-Youth Adventure is to encourage parents and youth to climb life’s mountains–together. The program will help youth understand the importance of staying connected with parents while showing parents ways to ‘climb together’ with their youth.
5/10/2024 - 5/12/2024
Ages 8 - 65
$160 per child (8-13), $240 per adult (13+)
Registration is no longer available
Additional Fees:
State and Local Taxes3.21%
Dietary Accommodation
Dietary Accommodation (Shorter Retreats & RMH)
RMH and Shorter Retreats only (i.e. Climb Together, Aspentime, Chaplain's Family Retreat, Local Leader Conference, etc.)
+ $25.00
10% First Time OCF Member Guest Discount
For OCF members who have never before attended an OCF Conference Center. Applies to OCF members who are presently serving in uniform (Active Duty, Reserves, or National Guard) or who are retired military. Can be combined with other discounts up to 25%.
10% Regional/Area Coordinator or Local Leader Discount10%
Company Grade Discount 10%
Company grade officers (O1, O2, O3) who are OCF Members and presently serving in uniform (Active Duty, Reserves, or National Guard). Can be combined with other discounts up to 25%.
Deployed Service Members Discount 5%
Families of currently deployed or recently returned (within 6 months) service members. Must be OCF Members. Can be combined with other discounts up to 25%.
Enlisted 20% Discount
Must be OCF Members and presently serving in uniform (Active Duty, Reserves, or National Guard) or retired military. Can be combined with other discounts up to 25%.