Summer Solstice/Full Moon Hike
June 20th marks the Summer Solstice! We’ll gather this evening to celebrate the arrival of the first day of summer, the day when the midday sun reaches its highest point in the sky. The Summer Solstice also marks the longest day (and shortest night) of the year, and the 20th is also the night before the Full Strawberry Moon.
Moon rise is at 7:40 pm, so we’ll be hoping for clear skies so that we can watch the Moon rise in the east from the hilltop behind the All Seasons Barn. We will celebrate the season with solstice science and history, solstice lore, and poetry. We will also take a leisurely hike through the meadows and woods surrounding the farm to enjoy the beauty of nature as summer as summer begins.
We’ll return to the barnyard to watch the Moon climb higher in the east while we enjoy a nice bonfire as we share Full Moon/ Solstice memories.

Children ages 10 and older are welcome to register if accompanied by a registered adult.
6/20/2024 7:30 PM - 6/20/2024 9:30 PM
Ages 10 and up
Tiered Pricing Available
Registration is no longer available
Adult Education
Tiered Pricing
Currently Unavailable
Tier A
Pay-it-forward price (helping others access this program)
+ $25.00
Currently Unavailable
Tier B
Cost to run program
+ $20.00
Currently Unavailable
Tier C
Reduced price for accessibility
+ $15.00