Frequently Asked Questions
Registration System |
Q: | General Registration System Hints |
A: | - No, the registration form does not have a "Back" button. There is, however, some limited ability to go back using your browser's "Back" button
Q: | How can I add a Secondary Contact (ie. second parent/guardian)? |
A: | Either add a new person to your account or select an existing account member. You can select "The secondary contact for account" in the Bio Information for any adult account members.
Q: | How do I update my Cabin Mate requests? |
A: | You can update your Cabin Mate requests by going to My Registrations, opening the appropriate registration and clicking "Additional Information".
General |
Q: | What is LPC's Refund Policy? |
A: | See LPC's Refund Policy
Q: | What is LPC's Privacy Policy? |
A: | See LPC Privacy Policy
Q: | Where can I find other answers? |
A: | Visit LPC's full FAQs webpage