Frequently Asked Questions

Other Information

Q:Where do I get more information?
A:Visit our website ( or contact us! You can also view/download our Registration Information Packet and Online Registration Instructions from the following links: Registration Information Packet, Online Registration Instructions


Q:When will my payment be debited from my account?
A:The first time a bank account is used for an E-check payment there is a verification process. The first transaction may take 8-12 business days to clear. Once an account is verified, payments should clear within 1-3 business days.

Q:Why can't I pay my balance now?
A:We encourage you to wait until you receive a final invoice at camp before paying your balance in case something changes.

Q:Why is my total different than what I expect?
A:Keep in mind that your final balance might change (pending registration changes and discounts) before you receive your final invoice at camp. If you aren't sure how your total was calculated or it doesn't match what you expect, feel free to contact us for further information.