Document Center
Below are a list of available documents.
Camper Activity Restrictions Form
This form allows parents to indicate which activities, if any, they would not like their child to participate in while at camp.
Camper Allergy Disclosure Form
To ensure the safety of your child at camp, please complete this form to notify us of any allergies that your camper may have.
Camper Health History
Filling out the Camper Health History form accurately and completely will help us to keep your child safe while he or she is a camper in our care. This form is due 10 days before the start date of your camper's session.
Camper 'Not Authorized to Pickup' Form
This form allows parents to indicate persons who may under no circumstances visit their child at camp or take their child from camp property.
Emergency Contact Form
Please use this form to list Emergency Contact information for your camper.
Off Campus Travel Waiver - Outpost
Complete this waiver and liability release to give permission for your camper to travel off of GVR's campus for special Teen Outpost activities.
Secondary Contact Form
Colorado State Law (7.711.61) requires us to collect the name, address (may not be the same as the primary contact), and phone number of a secondary contact. In the event that the primary contact cannot be reached, we will attempt to reach the secondary contact.
Sunscreen Administration Form
Every camper is required to turn in this form. At high-elevation, campers are prone to sunburn quickly— and without the usual affects of heat, sweating, etc. moderate to severe burns can happen without much extra thought for protection. Our staff are trained to require and encourage generous applications of sunscreen with regularity. We require parental authorization to apply camp-supplied Banana Boat SPF 30 sunscreen. Or, there is an option on the form to waive the camp-supplied option if you want to provide your own sunscreen.
Topical Preparations Administration Form
This form is required if you would like to authorize camp staff to apply topical preparations (i.e. bug spray) to your child over the course of his or her week at camp.
Family Connect Camp
Glacier View Ranch Camper Documents
Mills Spring Ranch Camper Documents