Virtual Summer Camp
UltraCamp functions best on a computer and is not always compatible on tablets or mobile devices. If you do not have access to a computer, or need support in completing the application, please reach out to Language translation services are also available.

Thank you for your interest in MDA Virtual Summer Camp!

This program is available to children and young adults ages 8-17 living with neuromuscular disease, who are registered members with MDA. If not already members, applicants and their legal guardians will be automatically enrolled; there are no fees associated with membership. For more information, please visit

All UltraCamp application components must be completed in full and digitally signed by the child’s legal guardian. Help ensure a successful virtual camp experience for your child by providing accurate and clear responses to each question. A RESPONSE IS REQUIRED IN EACH FIELD. If a question does not apply, enter ‘Not Applicable’ or ‘NA’. If you are unable to complete the application in a single sitting, be sure to mark the forms as ‘Incomplete’ and click ‘Save’. The incomplete form will remain available in your UltraCamp account.

All application components must be submitted no later than thirty (30) days prior to the start of the camp session. All interested camper applicants are accepted to participate.

MDA is committed to providing and an exceptional summer camp experience to each participant. The Camp Director for this session will be in communication with you soon to discuss your next steps. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us at
7/7/2025 - 7/10/2025
Central Time Zone
Ages 8 - 17
Availability & Registration Deadline:
This session has openings
Registration will end on 5/17/2025.