Cole's Kids Application-Waitlist
Cole’s Kids is a Camp Cole-directed Service Learning Club for children in grades 1st-7th. Cole’s Kids Club teaches children how to have hearts and hands of service through the education of our Core Values. We seek to make our community a better place by creating strong leaders who treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Please note: acceptance is on a waitlist right now. You will be notified of when a spot it opens up.

Cole’s Kids Service Camp is held each summer at Camp Cole for children ages rising 2nd to rising 7th grade. At Cole’s Kids Service Camp, campers learn how to have hearts and hands of service while participating in traditional camp activities, such as fishing, swimming, playing games, singing around the campfire, and making friends. Cole’s Kids 2024 is August 2nd to August 4th.
8/2/2024 4:00 PM - 8/4/2024 1:00 PM
Ages 6 - 16
The cost of Cole's Kids Service Learning camp is $325. Price is due upon acceptance.
This session has openings
Registration will end on 7/31/2024.