2024 Staff in Training
As a Counselor in Training, enjoy the fun of camp while learning many of the skills needed to work at Camp Wawona. You'll be assigned to one of our skilled counselors who will teach you skills that can be used throughout your life and enable you to work more effectively with children!
6/30/2024 2:00 PM - 7/5/2024 9:00 AM
Ages 16 - 17
Registration is no longer available
3-Way Matching
CCC 3 way matching A camper receives $100 from their church or a private donor and we give $100 from our worthy camper expense account. The remaining balance is to be paid by the camper
$100.00 / per person
Bring 5 friends
If you bring five friends that have not been to camp Wawona in the last 3 years or have not been to Camp Wawona ever before - you can attend camp for free! *Your discount will be applied when all five of your friends have been registered for summer camp.
Early Bird Registration
Register by April 1st.
$20.00 / per person
Yes, I am a member.
Membership Discount
I am not a member but attend a Central California SDA School
Membership Discount