Camp Sojourner New Camper Application 2025
Dear Parent/Guardian,

Thank you for your interest in Camp Sojourner! Camp dates this year are Monday, August 4, 7am- Saturday, August 9, 2025, 5pm.

To apply for camp, please complete this application and submit. If you have any problem with the registration fee, please be in touch with us and we can work out an arrangement. We don't want finances to be a hindrance for any girl to come to camp!

If you want to know anything more about our program mission and history, please click here.

After March 3, we will know how many spots are available in each age cabin. As soon as possible after that time, we will begin contacting new applicants to let you know if there is a spot for your child, and to either set up an interview or confirm that your child will be placed on the waiting list. If your child is placed on waiting list, we will contact you should a spot become available; if a spot does not become available, we will refund any application fees. IF YOU ARE APPLYING AFTER MARCH 3, PLEASE DO NOT PAY REGISTRATION FEE. WE WILL CONTACT YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO LET YOU KNOW IF THERE ARE ANY SPOTS IN YOUR CHILD'S AGE GROUP CABIN.

Please feel free to be in touch with any questions:

Alisha Berry
Camp Sojourner Director
8/4/2025 - 8/9/2025
Ages 8 - 13
Varies by family according to sliding scale.
This session has openings for females
Registration will end on 7/27/2025.