In-House WC3 Skills Refresher - May 7th and 8th (9am - 5pm)
OWLS and WC3 Skill Refresher is an opportunity to review essential skills that are required for an ACCT Certification. These focus that focus on facilitated challenge course operations.

This refresher will reinforce the basic-advanced operational skills needed to effectively run standard challenge course elements and maintain an educationally sound adventure program. Emphasis is on practicing and improving technical skills. Participants will have the opportunity to identify their most significant needs in terms of content review, and that co-generated list will form the basis of the training agenda.

This workshop will help you prepare and review for the Challenge Course Practitioner Certification Exam. (Testing is optional: you must register for an exam separately.)
5/7/2024 9:00 AM - 5/8/2024 5:00 PM
Ages 18 and up
Pay what you can
This session has openings
Registration will end on 5/7/2024.