Middle & Upper School Experience:July 22-26
With our “Create Your Summer” format children may select specific enrichment programs to pursue their interests or discover new ones. Our age appropriate group offerings share many of the same aspects of our school – it’s hands-on, adventurous, energetic, creative, and offers a full spectrum of activities throughout the summer. Our small groups and trained staff provide support and attention to your child’s group. The flexible scheduling is designed to meet a variety of needs along with our extended hours and lunch options.
7/22/2024 - 7/26/2024
Grades 5th - 12th
Varies by class
This session has openings
Registration will end on 7/17/2024.
Morning Sessions 9am - 12pm
Extreme Movie Makers
Instructor: Laura Clemens
Campers will enjoy making short films in a variety of genres — suspense, comedy, drama, and more. We will film using different techniques, then edit and share our final short clips.
Who should choose this camp: Writers, actors, camera people, directors, and anyone with an interest in filmmaking
+ $185.00
Test your Minecraft skills as we venture into the biggest update ever! Using the new features, we will embark on a quest to complete the game during the week.
Who should choose this camp: Minecraft pros and/or competitive gamers
+ $185.00
Child Care
Early Care 7:30 - 9:00+ $40.00
After Care 3:30 - 4:45+ $40.00
Extended Care 4:45 - 6:00+ $40.00
(Grade 5-8)+ $35.00
Faculty/Staff Discount100%
Special Discount
Scholarship funds.
4 or more weeks discount
A 5% discount applies if you register for 4 or more weeks.