Middle & Upper School Experience:July 15-19
With our “Create Your Summer” format children may select specific enrichment programs to pursue their interests or discover new ones. Our age appropriate group offerings share many of the same aspects of our school – it’s hands-on, adventurous, energetic, creative, and offers a full spectrum of activities throughout the summer. Our small groups and trained staff provide support and attention to your child’s group. The flexible scheduling is designed to meet a variety of needs along with our extended hours and lunch options.
7/15/2024 - 7/19/2024
Grades 5th - 12th
Varies by class
This session has openings
Registration will end on 7/10/2024.
Morning Sessions 9am - 12pm
Hero Training at Camp Half Blood, grades 4-8
Instructor: Laura Clemens Embark on an epic adventure at Hero Training at Camp Half Blood! Immerse yourself in the world of Greek mythology, where gods and heroes come to life. Join us for a week of action-packed mornings filled with hero training, mythical quests, and creative crafting. Discover the secrets of the Greek alphabet, conquer heroic obstacle courses, and unleash your creativity through arts and crafts inspired by ancient tales. Forge new friendships and challenge your wit and courage as you embark on quests that will leave you feeling like a true demigod.
Who should choose this camp: Avid adventure and fantasy readers
+ $185.00
Who Dunnit?
Instructor: Laura O'Grady

Camp snapshot: A murder mystery has happened at Seven Hills and it’s up to campers to solve the crime. Not only will this week feature a mystery in which each camper will play a role, we will also explore popular spy movie clips, learn about actual mysteries, and learn how real investigations are done.

Who should choose this camp: Crime scene investigators, James Bond movie watchers
+ $185.00
Afternoon Sessions 12:30 - 3:30pm
The Swarm
Instructor: Elliot Glum

Camp snapshot: Join us for The Swarm from 12:30-3:30 p.m. each afternoon to meet up with old friends you haven’t seen all summer and to make new ones! Spend time playing games, sports, going on trips, and making new social connections. The group will collaborate to select activities and truly create their own experience. While each week will be designed around the students’ interests, Tuesdays and Thursdays will feature a planned trip each week.

Who should choose this camp: Middle schoolers who want a relaxed but fun and exciting week with friends
+ $185.00
Child Care
Early Care 7:30 - 9:00+ $40.00
After Care 3:30 - 4:45+ $40.00
Extended Care 4:45 - 6:00+ $40.00
(Grade 5-8)+ $35.00
Faculty/Staff Discount100%
Special Discount
Scholarship funds.
4 or more weeks discount
A 5% discount applies if you register for 4 or more weeks.