Create Your Summer: Aug. 5 - 9

With our “Create Your Summer” format children may select specific enrichment programs to pursue their interests or discover new ones. Our age appropriate group offerings share many of the same aspects of our school – it’s hands-on, adventurous, energetic, creative, and offers a full spectrum of activities throughout the summer. Our small groups and trained staff provide support and attention to your child’s group. The flexible scheduling is designed to meet a variety of needs along with our extended hours and lunch options.
8/5/2024 - 8/9/2024
Grades 2nd - 6th
Varies by class
This session has openings
Registration will end on 7/14/2024.
Full Day Sessions
DAASH (Discovery and Adventure at 7 Hills)
Instructor: John Rising

Camp Snapshot:
This end of summer extravaganza features exciting excursions
to parks, outdoor venues, thrilling attractions unique to Cincinnati, and full days of adventure and discovery. Children should come prepared to try new things, push themselves to new heights, and experience something new.

Who should choose this camp:
Thrill seekers, explorers, and those who love discovering new things
+ $395.00
Child Care
Early Care 7:30 - 9:00+ $40.00
After Care 3:30 - 4:45+ $40.00
Extended Care 4:45 - 6:00+ $40.00
Faculty/Staff Discount100%
Special Discount
Scholarship funds.
4 or more weeks discount
A 5% discount applies if you register for 4 or more weeks.