Hive Flyers:July 22-26:Let's Build/Cincy Ninja Kids
Is your child making the transition to first and second grade and feeling not quite ready for our second through sixth grade camp group? Build Your Hive is for you! This program offers two morning classes with a recess or movement break between them. The morning classes provide a preview of the structure found in our second through sixth grade group, known as Create Your Summer. In the afternoon, your child can enjoy more traditional summer camp activities, including swimming, special enrichment classes, and sports.
Let’s Build!
Want to design, build, and make your own inventions? From Rube Goldberg machines to robots, the possibilities of building are endless. In this hands-on camp, children will build with model kits, make their own creations, and study popular inventions throughout the world.

Cincy Ninja Kids
All the fun of an outdoor jungle gym, but obstacle course style! Our ninjas will learn valuable life skills like team building, confidence, and determination as they tackle different challenges throughout this adrenaline filled week of fun.

7/22/2024 - 7/26/2024
Grades 1st - 2nd
Varies by class
This is full
Weekly Fees
5 days 9:00 - 12:00+ $180.00
5 days 9:00 - 3:30+ $325.00
Child Care
Early Care 7:30 - 9:00+ $40.00
After Care 3:30 - 4:45+ $40.00
Extended Care 4:45 - 6:00+ $40.00
(Create Your Summer)+ $35.00
Faculty/Staff Discount100%
Special Discount
Scholarship funds.
4 or more weeks discount
A 5% discount applies if you register for 4 or more weeks.