Prerequisite: Flying Scot skipper rating & weigh at least 90 pounds (this weight requirement is for safety reasons- these boats take a lot of weight to right should the boat capsize)

Beginning racing is for those campers (12 years +) that have mastered the sailing basics on both a dinghy and the daysailer and are ready to put those skills to the test on a collegiate racing dinghy. Camp is ramped up for these campers learning to sail on performance boats. The focus will be on developing boat handling and racing skills through an array of specific drills designed to demonstrate the various elements of racing. Campers need to have a good sense of maturity and responsibility for this group.

Minimum age 12 years old - no exceptions

Camp meets Monday through Friday 9:30-4:00pm. No camp July 4th

Click here to view FAQ's for all things camp
6/9/2025 - 6/13/2025
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Ages 12 - 18
This session has openings
Registration will end on 6/8/2025.
Early Bird Discount$25.00
as requested from Military families
Multi-Camp/Sibling Discount
Receive 10% off camps 3,4,5,6 + No code is needed, discount applies at checkout Register for at least 3 camps and receive 10% off 3rd camp and all camps thereafter during the season (Registrations may consist of one child or various children in the same family) Registration does not have to occur simultaneously, however, must be a member of the family and on the same account.