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Day Dusky Week 6
7/15/2024 - 7/19/2024
Grades 5th - 8th
Starting at $440
This session has openings
Registration will end on 7/9/2024.
Currently Unavailable
Best of Camp
Experience a variety of camp activities - the Best camp has to offer!
Community Farm
Feed and care for the goats, pigs, chickens, and cows. Plant crops, gather eggs, pick vegetables, cook dishes using fresh food from the farm!
Horseback Riding
Campers will care for and ride the horses each day. They will learn about tack, grooming, and horse husbandry as they develop skills in the Western riding tradition. Riders of all skill levels are welcome. Campers may ride in the arena and on trails.
+ $170.00
Advanced Horseback Riding
For Dusky campers who want to advance their technique with the help of knowledgeable staff and a fun camp environment. Campers must have mastered cantering and email a recommendation from a riding instructor to
+ $170.00
Mt. Sylvan UMC - Church Camp Partnership$50.00
Ukraine $0.00
United Methodist Clergy Discount