Donation Options

Fundraising Goals for Parks Plus Creation/Spire School 2023-24

Supporting Parks Plus Creation/Spire School happens in many different ways: sharing time, resources, talents, and a collective love and gratitude for the earth. We are grateful for everyone who has supported our programs, goals, and growth thus far; families, educators, staff members, and extended community members--thank you!

If you or someone you know would like to make a financial contribution to Parks Plus Creation/Spire School, we invite you to donate to one of our funding pathways which directly reflect our values of community and shared experiences, collaboration and partnership, inclusivity and equity, intentionality and growth, and strengthening our care for and connection with nature. Feel free to share this page widely within your network of community: friends, family, colleagues, partnerships, companies, entities, etc. All contributions*, regardless of size, are gratefully received and appreciated.

*As a for-profit LLC, contributions are not tax deductible; however, we are in search of a fiscal sponsor who can accept such donations on our behalf. If you know of a fiscal sponsor who is aligned with our values of community investment and land stewardship, please email us directly with the subject line "fiscal sponsorship" at


Staff Stipend Fund more info


Career Development Fund more info


Annual Fund more info