Donation Options
Officers’ Christian Fellowship is a 501(c)(3) organization, EIN: 38-1415401. Your gift to OCF is a sacred trust. We promise to honor your generosity by using your gift in the most effective way to help OCF achieve its Vision and Mission to the military community. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that OCF has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. OCF will attempt to honor gifts preferenced to support a particular ministry area, program or project, but the final decision on the use of funds rests with the organization. OCF is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). Consider the following options for your donation.

Where most needed

You understand that WSS is a ministry and you have a heart to give for any current need. Thank you and God bless you.


Where most needed more info

Sustain & Expand Ministry Fundraiser

By God’s grace and the extraordinary generosity of donors, we’re excited to announce upcoming renovations to our original Harrison House facility, the construction of a centralized maintenance building, and the addition of a bathhouse at Camp Caleb Basecamp! All three projects, projected to be completed before summer 2023 programs begin, will meet a steadily increasing demand for a home base where the military community can gather and be equipped for their walk with Christ. Donors have already given approximately $5 million toward these expansion efforts. Would you prayerfully consider joining us in this exciting endeavor and donating to help us close the gap of $850,000 to cover remaining project costs? Thank you for your prayers and support!


Sustain & Expand Ministry Fundraiser more info

WSS Horse Sponsorship/donation

Hold your horses! Here's a great place to give a gift for something you love, or someone you love. Our WSS equine friends! Sponsor a horse or give a gift for vet care or the farrier. 'Sure appreciate it partner, 'hat tip'


Horse Program more info

The EXSEL Discipleship Program

WSS Discipleship program is a foundational year for a young person 18-24 years old. A work/study program that can result in 24 college credits for Liberty University. Please donate for room and board, school supplies and programing costs for our interns and fellows.


EXSEL Discipleship Program more info

WSS Operations & Maintenance

Consistent and faithful givers help underwrite the ministry at White Sulphur Springs and allow us to operate year-round to maintain and develop new programs and facilities.


WSS Facility Development more info


WSS Operations more info


Brick Campaign more info

Coffman Waldrop Fund Drive

The Coffman Waldrop fund was developed to provide opportunities for dependents of international military families to have the ability to be a part of the Summer Staff at White Sulphur Springs.


Coffman Waldrop Fund more info

Recurring Donations